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MIDI and SoundFonts

 Summary Some old music that is in the form of MIDI files require a SoundFont to be played with. One great SoundFont out there comes from the hand of Rich Nagel, with his WeedsGM3  SoundFont, which comes complete for all instruments in the General MIDI definition. At the end of the post you'll find some links to download the original WeedsGM3  SoundFont, and an alternative version I edited to change how Hi-Hats behave. Rich has given me permission to publish the edited one, but I will also include his original, and a link to his site for more information about the SoundFonts he built. In this short post, I will briefly dive into what MIDI is, what it does, a little bit of history, and what sound fonts are. Nothing too technical, just a brief introduction. What is MIDI anyway? MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface, and it's a standard that is pretty much mandatory nowdays for connecting instruments to a workstation, and creating music with it. It was bo...

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